If successful with a loan we will provide you with BUSINESS SUPPORT.
In providing business support to small business start-ups or acquisitions the ADBT will abide to the following principles:
- Effectively monitor and manage risk exposures to a level acceptable to the Board
- Adopt a model of business support appropriate for the client entity that will provide the best chance of success
- Ensure the business support is able to be funded from income generated by the business
- Ensure a commitment is received from the client to engage business support prior to extending funding
- Ensure the client takes the time to develop the skills necessary for running a business
- Where it becomes apparent that the ADBT is not able to provide business support or loan funding the client should be advised at the earliest opportunity and offered assistance to engage other service providers that are better suited to the task
- Support is to progressively phase out overtime as the skill level of the client increases
- Large businesses are expected to have the capacity to operate with reduced levels of direct support
- Facilitate the gaining of knowledge in the target industry through experience or other assistance prior to commencing the business